We have developed a robust high-throughput automated electrophysiology assay using a monoclonal CHO-hNav1.9 cellular reagent suitable for fully supporting a Nav1.9 discovery program.
For CiPA, iPSC-CMs expressing a mature ventricular phenotype are required. At Metrion Biosciences we have focused on electrophysiological profiling of Axol Human iPSC-Derived Ventricular Cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-vCMs) by evaluating their biophysical and pharmacological characteristics.
We have developed a robust high-throughput automated electrophysiology assay using a monoclonal CHO-hNav1.9 cellular reagent suitable for fully supporting a Nav1.9 discovery program.
Metrion and Sophion present findings that determine whether other insoluble salts can act as seal enhancers and how these solution pairs affect the biophysical properties and pharmacology of the investigated ion channels.