Electrophysiological profiling of Axiogenesis vCor.4U iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes

Poster Description

Here, we have assessed the suitability of Axiogenesis CorV.4U 2nd generation iPSC-CM for cardiotoxicity screening by evaluating their biophysical and pharmacological characteristics using three different methodologies:

  1. Whole-cell voltage clamp recordings to quantify inward Na+ and Ca2+ currents (INa and ICa), as well as outward and inward K+ currents (IK).
  2. Current clamp measurements of action potential (AP) parameters and pharmacology. Representative compounds from the CiPA validation toolbox in addition to compounds discriminating between atrial and ventricular phenotypes, were utilised in these experiments. These data confirmed the functional expression and pharmacology of typical cardiac currents, including INa, ICa, and IKr.
  3. Phenotypic measurements of impedance (contraction) and extracellular field potential (excitability) were made on the xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR platform.
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