Our reliable and reproducible translational human cardiovascular assays demonstrate the cardiac safety of your therapeutic compounds in line with current and future CiPA and FDA guidelines.
QTc and QRS liabilities are a serious concern when developing novel clinical compounds. Assessment of ion channel activity provides a robust method to highlight potential risks, however it may not be sufficient to capture all potential mechanisms that could induce QTc, QRS or arrhythmia issues. In such cases an integrated system such as the hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte (hiPSC-CM) model can be a valuable model.
We can assess compounds for such liabilities in hiPSC-CMs in a higher throughput 96-well plate-based format. Using a voltage sensitive fluorescent dye, we can simultaneously measure action potential waveforms with high fidelity across all wells using the Lumencor VOLTA high frequency (10kHz) plate reader. This allows us to accurately capture endpoints such as action potential duration (e.g. APD90), rise time and beat rate. Moreover, this system allows for the assessment of compounds over extended time periods (up to 72h) in serum free conditions.
A key aspect of this model is its ability predict a compounds propensity to generate a prolongation in the clinical QTc interval. Moreover, that assay can help predict the free clinical exposure of a novel compound that would be associated with a 10 ms change in clinical QTc. Similarly, this model can also define the probability of a QRS clinical liability.
Further reading:
Characterization of a high throughput human stem cell cardiomyocyte assay to predict drug-induced changes in clinical electrocardiogram parameters, European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 912, 2021.