Highly-validated screening assays developed by Metrion are capable of confidently identifying modulators of the lysosomal TRPML1 channel.
Improve efficiency, reduce late-stage failures, and align with regulatory standards by assessing the proarrhythmic liability of your compounds early. The potency data derived from high-fidelity platforms such as automated patch-clamp and the gold standard manual patch-clamp technique, is suitable for use in in silico action potential models. Our full cardiac ion channel panel includes: hERG (including a robust, dynamic hERG assay), KVLQT1/mink, hKV4.3/KChIP, hCaV1.2, hNaV1.5 (peak and late), hKIR2.1. Screening services against hHCN4 and hKV1.5, which play important roles in controlling human heart rate and atrial repolarisation, respectively, are also provided.
Learn more about our cardiac ion channel panel.
Highly-validated screening assays developed by Metrion are capable of confidently identifying modulators of the lysosomal TRPML1 channel.
A stable cell line expressing KV3.1 V434L variant was developed and characterised, confirming published data describing V434L as a gain-of-function mutation.