Meet Dr Chris Mathes, CCO, and Dr Steve Jenkinson, VP Drug Discovery and Safety Assessment, at booth 1244.
Meet Dr Chris Mathes, CCO, and Dr Steve Jenkinson, VP Drug Discovery and Safety Assessment, at booth 1244.
Meet Dr Eddy Stevens, CSO, and Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development - Europe, at booth 1. Eddy will present poster P14 'Development of a high throughput NaV1.9 assay using Qube automated electrophysiology' in session 2 on 31st March 2:40pm to 3pm.
Dr Thomas Hill, Senior Scientist, will attend this meeting which will discuss the new therapeutic modalities that are transforming our ability to pharmacologically modulate receptors and their intracellular signalling pathways.
Invitation only event giving next-gen scientists an opportunity to see how ion channels are used in drug discovery research applications.
Organised by Metrion, AstraZeneca and the British Pharmacological Society, the Cambridge lon Channel Forum is an environment for industry and academic scientists working within the ion channel field to share data and ideas.
Matt Brember Data Scientist, will attend and present 'Tailoring Signals Research Suite for client-focused data delivery in a specialist CRO environment' at the NEXUS Europe 2025: Revvity Signals Software User Conference.
An array of topical debates, lectures, workshops, and sessions designed to foster scientific and clinical discussions.
Meet Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development - Europe, at the Ion Channel Modulation Symposium.
Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development - Europe, will attend the 59th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry.
Dr Tony Rush and Dr Sophie Rose will be attending the 9th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain.
Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development - Europe, will attend the ELRIG Research and Innovation meeting on 20th March.
Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development - Europe, will attend the LifeArc Translational Science Summit on MND and Rare Dementias.
Trigeminal neuralgia, a chronic pain disorder rooted in trigeminal nerve dysfunction, presents a substantial challenge due to its intense pain profile and the limited effectiveness of current treatments. This webinar will enable researchers to expand their knowledge of ion channel therapeutics, develop innovative strategies, and accelerate the development of new, more effective treatments for patients burdened by chronic trigeminal pain.
Meet Dr Chris Mathes, CCO, Dr Steve Jenkinson, VP Drug Discovery and Safety Assessment, and Tsutomu Mori at booth 4. We hope to see you at our lunch seminar on Thursday 20th February at 13:00 - 13:00hrs. when we will present 'A Clinically Translatable hiPSC Cardiomyocyte Model for Early Cardiac Risk Assessment'.
Meet Dr Eddy Stevens, CSO, and Dr Chris Mathes, CCO, at booth 310 and visit posters:
We also hope to see you at the satellite meeting we are co-hosting with Sophion, Axxam and Nanion on Friday 14th February.
The Drug Discovery for Ion Channels XXV satellite meeting is hosted by Metrion, Axxam, Nanion, SB Discovery and Sophion.
Dr Robert Kirby, COO, and Dr Sergiy Tokar, Scientist - GLP Study Director, will attend the MHRA GCP & Laboratories Symposium.
Meet Dr Chris Mathes at AES 2024 where he looks forward to discussing better outcomes for people with epilepsy.
Dr John Ridley and Dr Tony Rush look forward to this symposium will review the progress made in the quest to discover new medicines to slow the progression of disability associated with neurodegenerative disorders.
Dr Sophie Rose is attending this event, which will discuss high-throughput methods for protein expression, approaches for generation of antigens for antibody and vaccine discovery, analytical techniques to interrogate protein quality, and the application of cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) for druggability, as well as sequence-based predictive methods.
Dr Steve Jenkinson is attending the American College of Toxicology Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas.
Dr Steve Jenkinson will present ‘Assessing the cardiac safety of the Comprehensive in vitro Proarrhythmia Assay library compounds’ in this webinar delivered by Drug Discovery News, sponsored by Lumencor.
Dr Zeki Ilkan is looking forward to discussing rare disease research over drinks and nibbles.
Dr Sophie Rose is looking forward to raising awareness of scientific opportunities for life science students post-degree at Newcastle University’s Scientific Professional Awareness Event.
Tony Rush and Nicola Secomandi look forward to meeting scientists across academia and industry in the field of neuroscience, to share knowledge and foster collaborations, as well as hear about the latest advancements with the Maestro platform.
John Ridley and Tony Rush look forward to this symposium will review the progress made in the quest to discover new medicines to slow the progression of disability associated with neurodegenerative disorders.
Meet Sophie Rose and Zeki Ilkan at the ApconiX Drug Safety Forum: A Patient First Approach to Translational Safety. From Nonclinical to Clinical.
Chris Mathes will be attending Neuroscience 2024. Contact Chris to arrange time to meet.
Poster: #14146 Identification of venom fractions as TREK-1 modulators using Qube 384 automated patch clamp system’.
Chris Mathes will be attending ELRIG Drug Discovery ‘Connecting Minds, Transforming Science, Empowering the Community’. To secure time to meet with Chris contact us and he will be in touch.
Sophie Rose will be attending ELRIG Drug Discovery ‘Connecting Minds, Transforming Science, Empowering the Community’.
Sophie Rose, Steve Jenkinson and Chris Mathes are looking forward to seeting you at SPS. You’ll find them at booth 203 in the exhibition hall, or to secure a time to meet with them contact us and they will be in touch.
Steve will present ‘Safety evaluation of the Comprehensive In Vitro Proarrythmia Library to Assess Cardiotoxicity Potential Using the VOLTA Scanner’ in Lumencor’s sponsored session on 24th September at 2:30pm – 3:00pm.
A (Parent’s) Duty to Hope, Stephanie Telesca, Co-founder of The KCNC1 Foundation
Models and mechanisms of KCNC1-related disorders, Ethan M. Goldberg, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Division of Neurology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
How Metrion Biosciences helped identify a potential treatment for patients with the KCNC1 variant, Scott Maidment, Head of High Throughput Screening, Metrion Biosciences
This event is right on our doorstep as the marquee will be set-up at Granta Park, Cambridge, UK. Here you will find John Ridley and Zeki Ilkan at booth 32 so please drop by to discuss your drug discovery projects.
Sophie Rose looks forward this meeting which will delve into electrophysiology with a focus on ion channels.
Dr Steve Jenkinson looks forward to connecting with others utilising ground breaking automated patch-clamp technology.
Meet Zeki Ilkan, Commercial Operations Scientist, at the One Nucleus BioWednesday London Summer Social.
Come and meet Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development at the conference, who will look forward to meeting you and having topical discussions.
Dr Tony Rush, Director of Neuroscience and Federico Olivero, Research Associate Scientist attended the FENS Forum which was held in Vienna, Austria for discussions on Neuroscience.
Federico presented the poster ‘Scientifica PatchScope Pro: An Integrated Calcium-Imaging and PatchClamp System Suitable for Selecting Specific Subsets of Neurons for Electrophysiological Recordings’ in poster session 06 on 28th June between 2pm – 3:30pm at Poster board PS06-28PM-442.
Metrion attended the conference and held discussions about the science of ion channel modulation.
Metrion attended the Babraham Research Campus, we welcomed you to come and meet Dr. Sophie Rose in the Cambridge Building between 9:30am and 3:30pm to find out how we could support your ion channel, cardiac safety and neuroscience drug discovery projects.
Metrion Biosciences attended the Cure CLCN4 Scientific Conference 2024 which took place in London 7th-8th June 2024. Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development met many people there.
Meet Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development and Dr Scott Maidment, Head of High Throughput Screening attended the SLAS Europe 2024 conference to discuss life sciences and biotechnology.
Scott presented the poster ‘Fluorescence-based drug repurposing screen of the potassium channel, KV3.1 with V434L mutation.
Joining Derek Leishman, VP of Translational and Quantitative Toxicology at Eli Lilly and Company, who shared insights on leveraging non-clinical data in regulatory integrated QTc assessment.
Steve Jenkinson, VP of Drug Discovery and Safety at Metrion Biosciences, presented a clinically translatable hIPSC cardiomyocyte model to predict QTc and QRS cardiac risk.
The webinar was chaired by Eddy Stevens, CSO, Metrion Biosciences.
Metrion Biosciences and AstraZeneca co-organised the Cambridge Ion Channel Forum (CICF) which took place on the 8th May 2024.
The event took place at the DISC (The Discovery Centre, AstraZeneca) at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at the Addenbrookes Hospital site. The event comprised of a networking lunch, a series of talks, a networking coffee break and a poster session plus a drinks and pizza reception to facilitate further networking opportunities.
Steve Jenkinson, VP Drug Discovery and Safety Assessment USA at Metrion Biosciences, will be virtually attending this event and looks forward to hearing about, and contributing to discussions on, the use of cardiac NAMs, updates from the HESI U01 subaward validation studies, FDA perspectives, and the latest work of the HESI Cardiac Safety Committee.
Meet Dr Sophie Rose, Head of Business Development, and Dr John Ridley, Director of Commercial Operations, at the LifeArc Translational Science Summit for discussions on how translational science can bridge the gap between basic research and clinical applications
Metrion Biosciences is attending ELRIG Research and Innovation 2024 taking place in Manchester, UK.
Metrion’s Head of Business Development, Europe Dr. Sophie Rose will be attending the meeting and if you would like to meet with her, please email
This event will discuss how emerging biology and cutting-edge technologies are pioneering the medicines of tomorrow. Bringing together scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs with bold ideas to serve our shared ambitions in creating the next generation of therapeutics to cure more patients around the world. The 2024 R&I meeting will focus on cutting edge innovation.
Metrion Biosciences’ VP, Drug Discovery and Safety Assessment Dr. Steve Jenkinson will be attending the conference. To arrange a meeting with Steve at the event, please email:
Metrion Biosciences is attending the Sophion Bioscience EU User Meeting 2024 taking place on the 7th – 8th March 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dr Catherine Hodgson and Dr Tom Hill will be attending the meeting on behalf of Metrion.
Catherine will also be presenting at the meeting. Catherine’s presentation is entitled: ‘The dogma of Fluoride, are there alternatives to use on the Qube?’
If you would like to meet with Tom and Catherine at the event, please email
Metrion Biosciences is attending the Japanese Safety Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting which is taking place on 22nd and 23rd February 2024. Metrion’s Scientists will be presenting a poster and will also have a booth at the event.
Two delegates from Metrion will be attending the meeting. If you would like to meet with them, please email
The event will be held at Senri Life Science Center in Osaka.