Andrew Lightfoot PhD
Head of Medicinal Chemistry and Discovery Funding
Dr Andrew Lightfoot has an extensive career (23 years’) of leading successful R&D projects and joined Metrion in 2017 as Head of Medicinal Chemistry and Early Stage Funding.
Through Oaktree Bioscience Ltd, he also provides biotech CEO/drug discovery consultancy services to the VC community.
He was CEO of Procarta Biosystems (2017-20), an antibiotics company, raising over £10m in grants and equity. He was Founder, CEO/Director of Peptinnovate Ltd (now Revolo Biotherapeutics Ltd) from 2011-17, a clinical stage immunoinflammation biotech, which he successfully transitioned from early discovery to Phase 1, raising £7m in equity and grants funding.
In GlaxoSmithKline drug discovery (1998-2010), he discovered a number of molecules progressing to clinical trials and is inventor on >20 patents.